Saturday, September 1, 2012

Happy Shabbot!

Well- Hey there Family!

First Sabbath here in the Holy Land today! It was a really good day. Went to choir, then church, then took a nap (FINALLY!), then headed with a group to the Orson Hyde garden. On the way we were approached by a little 15 yr old Palestinian girl who wanted to just talk and talk. She loves the JC students and talks with them each semester apparently. But it was fun to talk with her and all of her little siblings and cousins.

Yesterday was classes and then we went out to just stroll around the Old City. Being there is so bizarre. I feel such strong feelings of familiarity! Maybe cause i've already been here, but it is still fun to get to be back. We went to the Western Wall and put our prayers in cracks. It was really interesting.

It's hard because there is such a feeling of urgency among the students to be out all the time, but I have seen everything before, and am so conflicted weather or not to study. It will be ok though. Everything will work out.

But back to today, man! Being in that big auditorium looking over Jerusalem while taking the sacrament is a pretty amazing experience. You are just up the hill from where the atonement actually happened, and symbolically remembering him through the bread and the water is always a little easier to do when you are in the place he was sacrificed! Crazy stuff.

Jet lag is finally starting to go away, which is nice. I can actually stay awake and comprehend things now. Oh! So McKenzie Peay, from Bountiful too, has been posting pictures and stuff! so take a look at her blog if you want.

Ok- question for Hailey Gardner. What in the hey do you do in the city for three months without spending loads of money??

But still not too crazy much to report to ya. It's kinda hard. Harder than I thought it would be. But it's ok. Makes me learn. Hope everything is going good! Love ya.


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