Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Welcome to the Holy Land

Geeze. I'm really here. So nuts! But the format for these blog posts are quite different- so I hope it doesn't look yucky.
But arrived here at the Jerusalem Center at about 4 pm. I am not too tired yet... but I may be jumping the gun on that judgement a little. Guess we'll find out tomorrow morning eh? So we got here, were welcomed by all the staff, had a little orientation meeting in the big auditorium- when we initially came in the curtains over the huge windows in the front were drawn so when they opened them to the beautiful landscape of Jerusalem it was just that much more dramatic. So beautiful here! The organist missionary shredded for us a bit on that awesome organ, and then we took a tour of the center. It is so wierd that I will be here for a whole semester! I still can't believe it. I'm so stinkin lucky! Had dinner, then a short intro to each of the classes we will have. Naturally started falling asleep in each and every one of them... Oops. But then unpacked a bit- and now i'm here! It feels like a time warp from when I left orientation on Mon. to now. Anywho- I don't have anything real awesome to talk about, so I think i'm going to bed! Shalom family. I love you and miss you already!

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome!! Can't wait to see all the pictures and here more about it. Good luck with the jet lag. We love you lots!
