Saturday, September 29, 2012

This'll teach me...

Alrighty then family- i'm just gonna catch up using pictures. I got so so behind. It's been a bit nuts. So...
Sept. 16th- flew to TURKEY!!
Sept. 17th- toured Istanbul- Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace, Ferry ride
The last standing portion of the Hippodrome in Istanbul
Inside the Blue Mosque. Honestly- one of the coolest things i've ever seen!

Hollie and I in front of Blue Mosque

Sophie, Paul, and I in front of Topkapi Palace

My new friends Jordan, Sophie, and Jed. Bunch of crazies. But that's Instanbul in the background folks!

Jordan and I found a sweet tree.
Our fun ferry ride on the Bosporus Strait!!
 Sept. 18th- Gallipoli, Troy
Beach at Gallipoli. Watch that movie if ya get bored!

We had to take ferry rides a couple times.

Trojan horse THE Brad Pitt graced.
Sept. 19th- Assos, Pergamum
Ok favorite Place for sure. This is Assos. I think I described it in my last post. So stinkin pretty! That island in the  background is Lesbos- Greece.
Looking out from the other side.

Paul and I... haha! So clever.

This is Andrew. On top of a beautiful mountain.

Meet my Professor Bro. Judd and his daughter. Love him!
Pergamum Theater. Way cool! Oh and that's Rosie

Don't ya hate skirts?
 Sept. 20th- Ephesus, Miletus
Jaquel, Sophie, and I the Ephesus library! 

Ephesus Theater

Hey look! I'm in the bible pictures! (see biblical photos to get that...)
Beautiful sunset over the Agean Sea with my best bud Lauren!
Sept. 21st- Sardis, Thytira, Bursa (BIG travel day- so don't have too many pictures.)
Gigantor columns at the Temple of Artimus in Sardis
 Sept. 22nd- Nicea Istanbul, Hagia Sophia
Nicea- where the Nicean Councils were held. Pretty little lake though!

Ya- in Hagia Sophia... with the one and only SOPHIE! and Jordan.

It was incredible in there! I'm tellin ya family- Patch family 2013- TURKEY!

Paul being weird in the Background.

HAGIA SOPHIA! Thumbs up.

Bro. Judd photo bombin

I think I'll do a handstand. You can too Jord... I guess.
Sept. 23rd- church with the two general authorities. I told ya about that in my last post.
Sept 24th- Jericho Field trip
Skylor and I with the Mount of Temptation in the background. (where it is traditionally believed Christ was tempted by the devil after fasting for 40 days.)

This here is the oldest structure known in the archeological world. A tower found in the Tel at Jericho that carbon dates back to about 9000 B.C.

Here's the road to Jericho that would've been the sight of the story of the good Samaritan. Cool hu?

Here's my bus doctor partner in crime. Healin the waters! Oh... and students too I guess. haha
Sept. 25th (Tues.) homework
Sept 26th (Wed) Chill trip to the Old City
Sept 27th (thurs) King David's City- Walked through Hezzekiah's tunnel. Too much fun!
Friday- Garden of Gethsemene after classes
Today- Church.

Wowzers. That was too tough. I really gotta be better about keeping up, cause catching up is a nightmare. But I hope you guys liked the pics! Really- study John and Pauls missions. There is some incredible stuff in there! But I hope everything is going awesome back in America! I wish I could be in Boston playing with everyone, but it's ok. I guess I AM in Jerusalem. Can't feel too bad. Love you all!!


Sunday, September 23, 2012


Right- well, turns out I had no time to blog in Turkey. It was nuts! But so so much fun! We got back last night around 3 AM and had sacrament meeting today to make up for it. Visiting our sacrement meeting happened to be 2 general authorities- Elder Porter and Elder Carlson from the 1st and 2nd quorum of the 70. It was an amazing meeting! Elder Carlson gave us advice for making decisions in our lives and how much we need to sacrifice and love throughout the journey. The Lord directs us if we let him. Elder Porter gave an incredible talk on prayer and how to recognize and distinguish the spirit. I need to be better in my personal prayer- i've been realizing that lately. But something that I thought was so interesting that he advised; He told us to disreguard the 'rules' of prayer in personal prayer. He advised us to speak with Heavenly Father like you would speak with a man face to face. Pray like a child prays- allowing all thoughts and concerns to release. It hit me that formality when I am speaking to my father isn't as important as being honest with him. It is something I need to apply in my prayers.

As for Turkey- it really was amazing!! We should go there one time family! We kinda traced some cities of where Paul and John were known to have preached, and it was incredible. Yesterday, we finished off with the Hagia Sophia and Blue Mosque (look pictures up on google cause it is NUTS!). It was so stinkin incredible! Favorite place throughout the whole trip though was for sure Assos. It is this port town on the coast of Turkey that is set up high on this mountain overlooking the Sea and Patmos is right next to it I think- but just the whole experience there was so amazing. We got up pretty early to head up to this little town. We had to hike through the little cobblestone streets of this village passing shops (closed cause it was too early for normal tourist hours) up to the top of this peak with all of the ruins of a roman style ruins of a temple and walls, etc... It was so pretty, perfect weather (COLD! Man I miss the cold. Can't wait to come home to winter if it ever comes! Heard it's been smoldering back home. Bummer dude!) no other tour groups, no vendors, just so serene and beautiful. We had a little devotional, which was amazing- but the giant centipedes were attacking me the whole time. I may or may not have interrupted our hymn jumping a mile because one was crawling by my hand... oops. They were vicious though! Not really- just gross. And everywhere.

Anywho- I will update more. Everyone and their dog is using the internet right now, so bandwidth blows and uploading pictures is not happening. And let's not kid ourselves- pictures tell way better stories than words. And less boring. So i'll wait to let pictures paint the beautiful picture of Turkey!

But love ya family! Hope everything is going well! I miss you all- I wish you could be having this experience with me. It's crazy to call this my actual life. I am very very lucky and blessed to be here. Katie and Kurt, Annie and Steve, Russ and Lauren: How is everything going?? Lauren! How is fetus? When do you find out if Emma Louma is getting her BABY SEESTA!? haha. Ann- didn't get anything from Turkey. I suck. Sorry- turns out I really really hate shopping. Who knew?? Kate- you ready for the Patch family zoo to reside in your home? Prepare well! hahah. Mom and Dad- sounds like Timp went really well! bahahaha. Take pictures of the fall leaves for me will ya! I miss it. Russ- how is school going? Kinda getting into it better? Hope so! Just don't worry- business people are lame anyways! haa. Just playing.

K- till I get the gumption to take on Turkey blogging... love ya!

PS- Mackenzie Peay's blog. She writes lots and posts pictures of us and I think I gave you the wrong link. It's
Is that right? Let me know if that's right.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Alrighty family. This blog thing is kinda hard! It is time consuming. Yuck. But I'm doing this for you Mom!
So it's been a week- and I feel like I have so so much to report on.
Ok- Thurs. was pretty uneventful. Just classes. Really- that's it.
Friday- Classes in the morning, then we were able to make school kits for kids in need over here. It was really a fun activity! We actually ended up breaking the record- 2100 kits in two hours!! We were cookin. Good stuff though.
Then after an early dinner- we headed down to the Old City to witness the Jews ushering their Shabbot at the western wall. Really cool! It actually ended up being pretty docile compared to what I had in mind, but Bro. Judd said that it's kinda just hit and miss depending on the week. So i'm hoping that the next time we go at the end of the program is just awesome! It was still neat to see all the guys just break into dancing and singing spontaneously. They are celebrating their chance to worship on the sabbath. Hence- the dancing and singing. I was curious why they could dance on the sabbath but not walk so many steps and apparently it doesn't count if it is worship... But still, it was interesting. I wish I could've taken some pictures and videos of it to show ya- but they don't allow camera's on Friday night. It is very very touchy sometimes, so we just don't even push it.  Then we came back and watched Indiana Jones, which was fun! But of course I fell asleep.
Saturday (Shabbot) was actually district conference. (Same as stake conference) So the Bethlehem branch, Galilee branch, and i'm probably forgetting another came to the center for our meeting. I actually ended up accompanying a musical number the student choir sang, so that was scary. But it went well I think! They invited me to bring my violin to the Garden Tomb which we went to after our meetings- so I guess they liked it. But more about our meeting; For relief society we had a couple of the leaders speak, which ended up being awesome! The stake relief society President was this amazing lady from Bethlehem (in the West Bank) with a crazy story. She told us she was born in Palestine (she is Arab) and came to BYU and was converted. When she came back after graduation, she had to find a way to get to Israel to go to church on Saturdays. So she would essentially run over mountains and avoid guards and check points to get to church. It was about a 3 hour trip one way if all went well. She said sometimes she ended up hiding from guards so she would miss church. She was actually shot at trying to get to church. She did this for 10 years. The dedication of the members over here is just amazing. I can't imagine going through that kind of thing. Her testimony must be incredible. I want to get to know her better, but since she lives in the West Bank she can't travel into Jerusalem very often due to check points. It is nuts, I can't even explain it. But so much faith in the people in the Holy Land.
Then we ended the day with a quick trip to the Garden Tomb, which is one of the places predicted that Christ was crucified and laid in the tomb. It is a really incredible place, weather or not it is the actual location of the crucifixion. It is this pretty garden area with the tomb. It's just a solace from the crazy city. But there are little congregational areas where we all sat down and wanted to sing. Of course there's bunches of other Christian groups there and some are singing these gospel hymns and "Oh Lord!!" and all. Kinda distracting. But it was the most incredible thing. Most of the time the groups are just kind of worshiping on their own and doin their own thing, but we as a group of these young college students sit down and start singing and it was just silence. I was accompanying on the violin while we sang hymns for a good twenty min. or so and it was a wonderful experience. I had my back to every other group cause I was standing in front of our group to play and I look up to the faces of our group and there are tears in the eyes of some girls and others were waving and blowing kisses. I turn around to see all of these other groups just silently watching and listening to us sing. Then I noticed on the side people were bringing chairs to sit and listen to us, and it just hit me. The amazing spirit that music brings is undeniable. So Mom and Dad- thanks for all of those painful years of violin. They really are worth the wonderful feeling you feel when you are a part of something like that. But unfortunately I didn't take pictures there either cause we were pretty pressed for time and I just wanted to sit back and enjoy it. But it was a pretty sweet experience. I will be visiting there often on the sabbath for sure.
Sunday was our free day which was so much fun! We ended up going to Tel Aviv to play at the beach, which was a very welcomed break from hectic. It was so stinkin fun playing in the waves and sand! Just to get out and play. ah it's so great! But we did get back in time to study... a bit... Ya i'm still working on that whole studying thing.
Monday was our field trip to the Negev which is just the southern area of Israel. There is a bunch of ties to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and the 12 tribes of Israel to down there. Abraham is known to have lived in Beersheva which is about a mile from the site we visited as well as his decedents. Our first stop though was at this Bedouin weaving tent which is a non-profit organization to help bedouin women get an education. It was really neat. They ushered us all in to this tent which was made of long woven strips of camel hair, goat hair (because apparently it's really greasy and ends up being water proof) , and I think sheep hair? But it was cool. Then they served us some yummy tea (even though it was boiling hot... course) and gave us a demonstration of how they make the rugs. It was a floor loom thing that just laid on the ground and they strung the yarn with a wooden stick and tightened it with a goats horn. Looked like hard work that's all I know! I am just glad to be well educated and an American, that is for SURE! But then we went to the shop and looked around and that was about it. I wish we could've gone to dinner with them Mom and Dad. That would've been way cool! But it was still way interesting to see!
After the Bedouins, we went to a couple Tells (essentially it's ruins built on top of each other. A couple layers deep shows different eras. Really cool. But the first one was near Beersheva, which Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob lived. The other Tell we went to was Tell Arad, which I can't remember tons from I gotta be honest. It was neat though. There was ruins of a temple with the holy of holy's area and the entrance and everything excavated.
On our way home we drove down past the dead sea. Yes- BELOW sea level. so crazy. But I was asleep most of the ride. Oops.
Tuesday was classes and we went out and explored the Old City some more.
Wednesday we went to classes and then studied I think? I'm not quite sure. I have to be honest- I am struggling with this blogging thing. It is time consuming!
But Yesterday, I went to classes, then went exploring in the Old City again. It was pretty incredible! We went to this huge tower next to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and it was an incredible view! we went to a museum that had a bunch of replicas from the Temple of Solomon- it was really cool! So a few years ago they re-created a menorah that would've been the same dimensions as one of the 11 in the temple and it is made of pure gold! It is displayed right across from the Western Wall actually. It was a big moment for the Jews cause apparently they believe it is one of the first steps in rebuilding the temple. But we also went to Caiaphas's palace where Christ was held overnight before they crucified him and is also a place where is believed to be where Peter denied Him three times. There's a monument with a crow on the top signifying the cocks crow. There are also stairs by it that are dated back to the time of Christ where it is pretty much known to have been one of the places Christ walked. A crazy thought that's for sure.
That brings us to today! So we had three double classes and got out at three to an announcement that we couldn't go to the city. It's the muslim day of prayer and due to the recent unrest, there was a bit of tussel and stuff, so they just told us no Eastern Jerusalem and no Old City. It's all good though. Nothing major! Don't worry. We're headed to Turkey on Sunday anyways, so it will only be 2 days that we can't go out. So I just played and played in the gym! My hip is hurting Dad. :( But whatever. I'm in Jerusalem!!
So.. here are some pictures for ya! So much fun!
Kenz and I at the Beach at Tel Aviv

Typical- ninja!
Bedouin women weaving her rug

On the roof of the Upper Room- the place believed to be where Christ first instituted the Sacrament.


Well, that's it for me! I will post again in Turkey. But Love ya family! We're fine- don't listen to the news. And we're headed to Turkey on Sunday anyways! It'll be a gobblin good time! Bahahaha. Love ya!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Real Blog Post

 Right. So I completely don't know how to move that top picture down. Computer retarded. But whatever! So that my dear family is a picture of my very first felafel in the Holy Land!! Mmm. :) YUMMY! For you who haven't had the pleasure, a felafel is a couple balls of fried ground up chick peas (quite like a meatball, but not meat) and veggies- tomatoes/cucumbers/etc.. and fries dumped into a pita! Oh man. They are good stuff. Have a feeling i'll be frequenting felafel shops this semester!
          But I realized I haven't really done a good blog post- since you are living vicariously through me. I guess i'll step up the experience a little bit. I have been here at the Jerusalem Center for over a week now! Crazy. So the first couple day, as I mentioned earlier was basically orientation and kinda getting into the JC life. It is such a different world over here- including school. We have a class of 80 some odd people that you study with, live with, go to class with, party with, do everything with! I can now understand Hailey when she said she gained 80 new best friends! You can't escape em! :) Just kidding. I love it. I'm learning a lot about attitude and how I just need to be open and love people instead of find differences to keep people at a distance.Cause I gotta face the facts- they're not going anywhere and neither am I!
         Anywho- so I will report on Sun. through today cause I guess I haven't really said anything about that. So Sunday is our free day here since we have church on Saturdays. (gonna be weird for a bit I think) But on Sunday All the students got up and ate breakfast, then pretty much dispersed to the Old City! My little group of about ten or so decided to try to get up on the temple mount which turned out to be a good choice! We got there and there was no line and walked straight through security and onto a practically empty temple mount! It was really neat! Mom and Dad you remember that humungous line when we went up? Yuck. But we had lots of time to look around and take pretty pictures- see below
         After that we went to exchange our money and head back to a productive night of studying... ehem... ehem... Kinda. It's sometimes hard to focus with so many people, alright?
         Then Mon. was our first official field trip. It was a long tiring day [not to mention hot] but it was neat! We just went around to places overlooking Jerusalem and other Biblical cities around Jerusalem. We went up in a giant tower on top of a cathedral called Augusta Victoria. We also went to the Seven Arches Hotel lookout above the jewish graves on the mount of Olives. It gives you a neat view of the Old City from the South side. Then we went to some fields overlooking Bethlehem which many Biblical people passed through. Apparently, pretty near where we were Jacob's wife, Rachel, [Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat's Mom] died after giving birth to Benjamin. It is a pretty cool opportunity to talk about these stories in the classroom, and then take a bus ride to all of these same places! It really gives you a different perspective on the people in the Bible. Then, our final destination was Nabi Samwel, a place dedicated to the prophet Samuel. I gotta be honest- i'm not quite sure why, but I think he was born there? Or died there? But there was a synagogue we went in to with a cenotaph (an empty tomb in memory of the person who it was made for) of Samuel and we went down and saw it.
        When all was said and done, we came back, ate some dinner, did some homework, and CRASHED! man walking outside and learning all day is an exhausting experience. But i'll get used to it I guess. Maybe i'll loose weight yet! Ya... no. Too much yummy stuff here. Don't worry Mom. I'm not going crazy.
         Tues. was pretty much all classes and homework. Boring. But We did have Palestine and Judaism for the first time along with Hebrew. Gonna be demanding. Poop. But It's ok. I think I have a leg up in a lot of aspects. I have taken a Middle East class before, already been here and learned a lot about the culture, and I'm just a genius. So i'm not concerned about studying too much. Just playin Parents!! I'm working hard I promise. But really, that was it for Tues.
          So that brings us to today! Woke up and went to Old Testament as well as Near Eastern Studies (man our teacher for that class is intense! He was straight up yelling GO!! GO GO!! to us each time we were supposed to get out of the bus for field trips. He was a paratrooper apparently. Makes sense. But we'll see how his tests are and then I'll decide if it is a respectable intense or an annoying intense. Hopefully the first.) Then Hebrew got cancelled (teacher wasn't feeling well... day 2... we'll see how this trend goes. Maybe Our final will be how to say get better in Hebrew!) So we ate lunch and went out to the City! We hit up Zacharia's Caves which are these giant caves under the Old City which supposedly were carved out to use the rock for the first temple- Solomons Temple. Nifty for sure! A nice break from the heat too! We whistled a beautiful duet and video'd it. I'll have to post that another time cause it was tough just getting these pics on. But it was fun. Then we just roamed the city some more. And now I'm back. Tada! Fancy how that happens. But it's been good. I'm getting more used to being here. It's getting better. I know this is an amazing experience and i'm a lucky duck to be having it. So in appreciation- i'm sharing it with you. So you better be grateful too!
          Here are a couple pictures-
 Here is the sunset first day at the Center (Hence looking like this...)

 Mackenzie and I in front of the Dome of the Rock
[Above is handstands of course! Couldn't move it down again. Wow.]

Dome of the Rock

 The view of the Dome of the Rock for Seven Arches. Pretty Amazing!

 I'm pointing to Bethlehem in the distance. 

A grotto-like cave they suspect Christ was born in. Not the typical stable you think of hu? 

So... that's it from me. I hope everything is going wonderful with everything back home! Love you all! I wish you could all be seeing what I am- but then Christopher would be causing a whole new style of havoc never to be seen within the Holy Land...

Love you!


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bout' Time

Just some pictures...
 The Western Wall of the Temple Mount

My new home on Mount Scopus. 

Well, these are the only two that worked for now. I'll write more later. Love you all!


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Happy Shabbot!

Well- Hey there Family!

First Sabbath here in the Holy Land today! It was a really good day. Went to choir, then church, then took a nap (FINALLY!), then headed with a group to the Orson Hyde garden. On the way we were approached by a little 15 yr old Palestinian girl who wanted to just talk and talk. She loves the JC students and talks with them each semester apparently. But it was fun to talk with her and all of her little siblings and cousins.

Yesterday was classes and then we went out to just stroll around the Old City. Being there is so bizarre. I feel such strong feelings of familiarity! Maybe cause i've already been here, but it is still fun to get to be back. We went to the Western Wall and put our prayers in cracks. It was really interesting.

It's hard because there is such a feeling of urgency among the students to be out all the time, but I have seen everything before, and am so conflicted weather or not to study. It will be ok though. Everything will work out.

But back to today, man! Being in that big auditorium looking over Jerusalem while taking the sacrament is a pretty amazing experience. You are just up the hill from where the atonement actually happened, and symbolically remembering him through the bread and the water is always a little easier to do when you are in the place he was sacrificed! Crazy stuff.

Jet lag is finally starting to go away, which is nice. I can actually stay awake and comprehend things now. Oh! So McKenzie Peay, from Bountiful too, has been posting pictures and stuff! so take a look at her blog if you want.

Ok- question for Hailey Gardner. What in the hey do you do in the city for three months without spending loads of money??

But still not too crazy much to report to ya. It's kinda hard. Harder than I thought it would be. But it's ok. Makes me learn. Hope everything is going good! Love ya.
